This Sunday, August 11, we'll bless our students and educators as they begin a new school year. Bring your backpack with you!
These blessings remind us of our connection to something greater than ourselves, while grounding us in God’s love and peace as a new school year begins. The blessings will take place during the service. Bring your backpacks or school bags if you’d like, we’ll bless those too. We hope you’ll invite family, friends and neighbors to join us for blessings at Back to School Sunday.
Know that you are beloved and that we are praying for you!
Prayers for students / Por nuestros estudiantes
Eternal God, your wisdom is greater than our minds can attain, and your truth enlightens our learning. To those who study, give curiosity, imagination, and patience to wait and work for insight. Fill their learning with joy. Help them to ask questions and struggle with courage. And hold all their days in the love of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Worship, adapted, Westminster John Knox Press, 2018, p. 911.
Prayers for teachers / por nuestros maestros
O God, give our teachers your grace, courage, peace, and strength from the deep well of your wisdom and love. May they glimpse how their dedication can liberate minds and leave a lasting legacy in their students' lives, and thus, for generations to come. Amen.