Lend us your spirit and your voice. Even first time visitors can have a role in our bilingual services. The Spirit moves us and God shapes us as we read, pray and sing together.
9 am Sunday | Children’s Eucharist
Expect a shorter communion service, an altar for small children, and time to hang out in the kitchen after worship. Listen to the young as they pray. It will inspire you.
10:15am | Worship
Bring your whole self and your true self to this participatory communion service. The second Sunday of each month is different. Worship is shorter, and we share breakfast instead of communion. Children are welcome, included, and essential. They may act their age and will receive thematic coloring pages upon arrival.
Our music reflects our mixed ethnic culture. Led by Shawn Welling on guitar, we sing traditional Angela and African American hymns as well as meditative and contemporary Latin and Hispanic tunes. The lyrics are bilingual. Expect to be offered something percussive for the closing song. We insist on ending with joy and vigor.